Helping you speak the language of your heart
Hello and welcome to my website! My name is Maya, and I am thrilled to tell you a bit about myself. I was born in Japan and spent my childhood between Japan and the United States. I spent my early years and the initial part of my professional career in the US. I earned a degree in TESL and started teaching English as a second language, a field I have relished for over 18 years. In the process, I discovered my love for languages and obtained a degree and Japanese national license in Speech-Language-Hearing-Pathology. As a licensed speech-language pathologist, I have been helping people with communication disorders for the past 8 years. With more than 10 years of experience in proofreading and translation, I have refined my abilities as a language expert. I am also fluent in Spanish (DELE B2) and currently studying for the C1 level, while also learning Italian and Portuguese.
Being a lifelong learner, I always aim to improve myself and broaden my knowledge. I am a kind-hearted person who truly cares about others and their achievements. One of my passions is triathlon, and I was proud to become a national champion in my age group for sprint triathlon in 2022 and again in 2024. Training for triathlons imparts valuable lessons about discipline, determination, and goal-setting, which I apply to every aspect of my life.
Thank you for considering my services, and I eagerly await the chance to work with you.
東京生まれ、千葉県・米国カリフォルニア州育ち。神奈川県在住。幼少期から米国に住むことで言語の魅力に引き込まれる。ハワイの大学でTESL(第二言語としての英語教授法)の学士を取得後、ホノルルの語学学校、日本の大学や大手企業の企業内研修などのネイティブ講師として英語を教え始める。この頃にフリーランスで翻訳・添削も開始。2006年には13ヶ月間バックパッカーとして主に東南アジアと中米を一人で旅する。2014年に言語聴覚士(ST)の国家資格を取得し、病院や耳鼻咽喉科クリニックでSTとして勤務。趣味はトライアスロン。2022年, 2024年 JTU年代別日本チャンピオン(スプリント)。TOEIC990点、スペイン語DELE B2取得。現在はDLEE C1レベル取得に向け勉強する傍らイタリア語とポルトガル語学習にも夢中。